Powerful design and ergonomy

App development

We turn your ideas into concrete products that create a strong value for your company and your customers. This is is our core business, our expertise.

We develop app designed for your users

Our expertise is at your service to create engaging and intuitive applications for your users, based on your specifications.

We leverage our expertise to produce unique mobile applications and user experiences by guiding you on the best technology choices for your project. Our agile development enables us to choose hybrid languages to deliver excellent renderings. We make sure to simplify the evolution and maintenance of your project while reducing costs.

Accelerate your business

Custom-made to your vision

To accelerate your business through innovative mobile applications, our team is dedicated to your needs from the pre-sale to the testing phase of the projects. This is how we develop performant mobile solutions with efficiency and cost-effectivness.

Agile development expertise

The technical architecture and development of your product are made using the most appropriate and efficient technologies. Our developers use Scrum and Lean Startup methodologies to will create a digital product that correspond to your priorities. We accompany you on:

  • Hybrid mobile applications (Android and IOS)
  • Native mobile applications
  • Ionic Framework
  • Maintenance

Mobile development

Hybrid mobile

Unique feature development across all platforms

Native mobile

Enhanced user experience on smartphones and tablets


Native applications to reduce development costs

Accelerate your mobile app project with our digital agency

An increasing number of people choose to favour their phone over their desktop computers to interact with the digital world. As these users become more savvy, is it essential for development companies to deliver improved experiences, to anticipate needs and to analyse market trends. Link Software is your technological partner to advise you on critical choices and stay connected to your user base.

Each mobile application our team conceives is thought-out, architectures, designed and developed as a unique product. This is the reason why our engineers are part of the process from the pre-sale phase and during the elaboration of your product vision with us. Our digital agency Link Software is expert in mobile application development to build remarkable and usable user experiences across various platforms or devices. Our knowledge of the market enables us to deliver the right user expectations based on their behaviour: while iOS users expect quality and consistency, Android apps must adjust to a large range of screen sizes and devices capabilities.

At Link Software, we build apps for small and large businesses in numerous markets or industries. Whatever your business or idea, we set the same goals: creating custom mobile apps that deliver real value, serve your users and provide a flawless experience. Our digital agency develops :
Hybrid applications to ally user experience with a strong development cycle agility at a reduced cost for unique functionalities on all platforms.
Native applications to exploit all the possibilities offered by smartphones or tablets for a rich user experience.
Ionic framework to reduce the development costs of mobile applications.
Flutter mobile applications with experienced developers to follow any of your projects.

Our mobile application agency is composed of expert developers in React Native to create the precise app project that you envision by respecting all your specifications as well as the rules of a clean, clear and documented code. While performance is at our core, we create aesthetic and high-quality applications that will support your growth in a rapidly evolving market.