Category: Design

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Let’s talk about SEO in 2023 and pagination

If you’re running a website with loads of content or an e-commerce store, you might want to consider adding SEO pagination to your technical SEO site audit checklist. Pagination has immense benefits, including an SEO boost. However, it might not be the first thing marketers and SEO developers consider when optimizing a site. In this […]

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Why you shouldn’t use a template for your website!

Building a website has become much and much cheaper, and several templates are available to choose from. Squarespace, Wix, Webflow are companies providing website template services that are both quick and cheap. There are also several affordable Joomla! and WordPress templates available from independent developers for a small fee. However, for B2B businesses, there are several […]

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8 bad App UX design you should avoid

In 2017, the number of apps downloaded reached 197 billion. Considering that the population of the entire world is only a fraction of that, stop for a second and consider the magnitude of this number. While it’s obvious that mobile users love apps, it’s also obvious that they have plenty of choices. This translates to […]

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How to write my requirements for developing a website?

When it comes to developing a website, it’s important to have a clear understanding of what you want the final product to look like and what features it should have. This is where website requirements come in. By clearly outlining your requirements, you can ensure that the development process runs smoothly and that the end […]

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How to avoid a laggy WordPress Website? Here’s how to speed up

What exactly is Wireframing? How to approach the design pf your application

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What Exactly Is Wireframing? A Comprehensive Guide

What exactly is Wireframing? How to approach the design pf your application