Category: Development

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Can you use ChatGPT to build your website?

For years, we’ve been promised that AI would be the next big thing. But let’s be real, take Amazon’s Alexa for example. Does this device feel intelligent? If you’re very lucky, she will play the correct song at the first attempt. But finally, we have ChatGPT – a machine that actually understands us! Hallelujah! That’s why it’s […]

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Everything You Need to Know About Software Engineering Ethics

Software has become an integral part of society, affecting how we work, live, act, and think. As a result, the impact of software engineers is undeniable. They shape businesses and people across the globe, making them as influential as modern-day celebrities and politicians. This raises the importance of ethics for software engineers and how to […]

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Let’s talk about SEO in 2023 and pagination

If you’re running a website with loads of content or an e-commerce store, you might want to consider adding SEO pagination to your technical SEO site audit checklist. Pagination has immense benefits, including an SEO boost. However, it might not be the first thing marketers and SEO developers consider when optimizing a site. In this […]

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what does a developer do? between reality and misconception

Being a developer has many advantages. But believe me when I tell you that it’s a long way from a ride at Walt Disney. With the exponential need for developers and the resulting explosion in training, I hear a lot of people selling the job as a Club Med holiday. So why not put a […]

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Why you shouldn’t use a template for your website!

Building a website has become much and much cheaper, and several templates are available to choose from. Squarespace, Wix, Webflow are companies providing website template services that are both quick and cheap. There are also several affordable Joomla! and WordPress templates available from independent developers for a small fee. However, for B2B businesses, there are several […]

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Creating an e-commerce site: what budget should you allow?

To promote a business, the creation of an e-commerce site is a key factor to consider. Selling online is becoming increasingly popular and has many advantages. However, in order to create a successful e-commerce site, it is important to plan an adequate budget. What is the cost of creating and maintaining an e-commerce site? There […]

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How to Create Email Templates in Gmail | The 2023 Guide

If you are tired of writing the same email over and over again, or even copying and pasting the content on new ones, you seriously need to learn how to create email templates. This guide will specifically talk about how you can do this in Gmail, with simple and easy steps that won’t take much […]

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Is Tiktok dangerous? The psychology decoded!

How the popular social media app affects our brain, our behavior, and our mental health. There are more than a billion users on TikTok today, including nearly 25% of the United States. At the same time, TikTok’s demographic skews towards younger audiences, with 63% of the platform comprising users under age 30. This isn’t an uncommon phenomenon — younger demographics tend […]

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What is Software release?

What is the production launch of an application or Software release? A release is the distribution (made available to the final users) of the final version or the newest version of a software application. A software release may be public or private and  signifies the unveiling of a new or upgraded version of the application. […]

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How much does a mobile application cost?

The mobile application market will be worth $220 billion by 2023. This figure shows the interest that professionals have in creating a mobile application. More and more companies are planning to develop a mobile application. As with social networks or the creation of a website, the development of a mobile application is not free. The […]

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The Top 9 breaking AI tools for 2023 | Not ChatGPT

If you haven’t heard of chatGPT, the virtual assistant powered by artificial intelligence, you may be living in a cave in early 2023. Whether or not you are seduced by the tool, it is undeniable that the results generated are bringing about a small revolution in the way we interact with digital tools. Automation certainly […]

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How to write my requirements for developing a website?

When it comes to developing a website, it’s important to have a clear understanding of what you want the final product to look like and what features it should have. This is where website requirements come in. By clearly outlining your requirements, you can ensure that the development process runs smoothly and that the end […]