Category: Mobile

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8 bad App UX design you should avoid

In 2017, the number of apps downloaded reached 197 billion. Considering that the population of the entire world is only a fraction of that, stop for a second and consider the magnitude of this number. While it’s obvious that mobile users love apps, it’s also obvious that they have plenty of choices. This translates to […]

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How much does a mobile application cost?

The mobile application market will be worth $220 billion by 2023. This figure shows the interest that professionals have in creating a mobile application. More and more companies are planning to develop a mobile application. As with social networks or the creation of a website, the development of a mobile application is not free. The […]

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How to avoid a laggy WordPress Website? Here’s how to speed up

What exactly is Wireframing? How to approach the design pf your application

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The 7 e-commerce development alternative | Update 2023

What exactly is Wireframing? How to approach the design pf your application