Taxis Verts

The mobile app to pick up multiple rides for TAXIS VERTS customers.

Cab customers are looking for a local player that can take them from one point to another while reducing transportation costs. This is the idea behind the Collecto mobile application.

Taxis verts

The Client

Taxis Verts

Taxis verts is the first actor of passenger transport in Brussels. They offer several types of services. We helped them in their digital development

The Challenge

As part of the transportation services offered at night, Green Taxis was looking for a solution that would allow its users to get home safely at night, especially if public transportation was no longer available.

The Solution

We developed a mobile solution that integrates with their fleet management platform while providing an easy user experience to quickly find a cab to share with others. 

The application was developed on native technologies for IOS (Apple) and Android (Google).


The mobile application had to be able to integrate easily with the current management system but also with the Brussels public transport system: the STIB.



With a number of users that could be important for New Year’s Eve, the application had to be able to manage the users’ requests on the one hand while ensuring a fluidity of use, but also the connections with the dispatching which had to be reliable and allow to ensure the service in real time.


We have integrated a statistics and reporting tool to track users and their usage. This allows our customer to easily measure and analyze the impact of his application.